Monday, March 24, 2008

Using The WWW

During the lecture in week 4 we looked the internet and how it differs from the web, historical perspectives of the web, defining the www, web protocols and web browsing.

Internet Vs Web:
The net is the main ‘source’. On the net you find computers, whereas on the web you find documents, sounds videos and information.
The web has made the net useful because it connects automatically where as if it didn’t connect automatically people would need to wire up their computers to other ones and they would need to know a lot more information on cables and computers. The web was developed to facilitate sharing information easily.

The WWW means World Wide Web.

HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol
DNS: Domain Name System
URL: Uniform/ Universal Resource Locator
The WWW is the content of a network of computers with TCP?IP to communicate between each other. TCP allows data signals to be converted to telephone licke signals to get transferred to their destination. IP is a protocol which allows data to be routed from one net work to the other.

Breaking down the Address:
-www- goes in front of the address.
-au, uk, nz – are all the country codes.
- .com- commercial, .org- organization, .net- network, .gov- government, .edu- education.

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