Monday, March 24, 2008

Using The WWW

During the lecture in week 4 we looked the internet and how it differs from the web, historical perspectives of the web, defining the www, web protocols and web browsing.

Internet Vs Web:
The net is the main ‘source’. On the net you find computers, whereas on the web you find documents, sounds videos and information.
The web has made the net useful because it connects automatically where as if it didn’t connect automatically people would need to wire up their computers to other ones and they would need to know a lot more information on cables and computers. The web was developed to facilitate sharing information easily.

The WWW means World Wide Web.

HTTP: hypertext transfer protocol
DNS: Domain Name System
URL: Uniform/ Universal Resource Locator
The WWW is the content of a network of computers with TCP?IP to communicate between each other. TCP allows data signals to be converted to telephone licke signals to get transferred to their destination. IP is a protocol which allows data to be routed from one net work to the other.

Breaking down the Address:
-www- goes in front of the address.
-au, uk, nz – are all the country codes.
- .com- commercial, .org- organization, .net- network, .gov- government, .edu- education.

Using Search Engines

1 Search engines other than Google are Yahoo, Dog pile, Ask Jeeves, Windows Live and more e.g.,, and
2 Problems that people may encounter are the large number of results that show up after a search, its not listed for academic results so any one can put a page on the internet, and there is a large number of factors that can effect the results of a search.
3 Strategies that can be used to over come these problems are using keywords, brackets around your search, using databases etc.
4 Boolean searches allow you to narrow down your search and can bring back results that are more relevant to you. Words that are used to do this are “and”, “or”, “not” and “near”.

During the class on UPC0004, Week 5, we learnt how to use search engines effectively along with a bit of basic information. We learnt that there were 3 main categories on the web. These included The Free Visible Web which will come up as soon as you type your search in Google, The Free Invisible Web, which is websites, and databases which you will require an email or URL address, and the Paid Databases over the Web which are the websites that require subscriptions and payment to access information.
Search tools come into 2 main categories. These are Search Engines and Directories.
Search engines look through databases and bring back results. Directories put information into relevant topics and are hand picked therefore will only require information that that is in the same topic and will all be academic.
Some examples of directories are:

During out tutorial we read the readings such as “Web Search Strategies”, “History of the Internet”, and “Search Engines Optimization for Companies”.
They provided information on the visible, invisible and paid databases on the web, search tool types and information on how to get the best search site, history of the web, how information is found, directories, search engines and data bases with a lot more.
It also offers graphs and pictures for the reader to look at and observe.

Four Strategies to help structure a good search:
1 Directories will offer a better search because of their formatted and human picked pages.
2. refining you search
3. Key words to search your topic
4. Using Advanced searches.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

online libraries and databases.

Week 3 Online libraries and databases.

Online databases and libraries are very useful for uni students to find the required information they need. It’s very convenient, up to date, and easy for making notes and available 24/7. Some disadvantages are that most of the online libraries and journals require a payment and you may not be able to always find specific things. Artworks, musicals, journals and texts are all available in online libraries. is an example of an online library. During the UPC 0004 class we learnt how to navigate our way around these libraries, research online library data bases, and reference online libraries.
Online databases are basically the same as the online libraries but they include news and media, maps and atlases, email directories, people searches etc. Online databases are compressive, up to date, and accessible 24/7. The negatives about online databases is that they are mostly only available via subscription, present a lot of advertising and information overload.
In our workshop we navigated around the ECU library at, found online journals involving certain topics and visited the Medline website at

10 helpful things to do on the ECU Library Website:
1- Students can find information about opening hours, library rules, overdue penalties etc.
2- View a number of books and journals through the website.’
3- Have key resources for links to certain topics such as Aboriginal Studies, Philosophy and Women’s Studies.
4- Learning assistant to help you use the library resources.
5- Provide an academic tip sheet e.g.: academic essays, exam techniques, assignments etc.
6- Links to connect current ECU students to the SIMO Homepage.
7- Student information i.e.: My ECU (blackboard)
8- Resources for external and offshore students
9- Links to the latest news and updates from the ECU Library.
10- Link which allows students to loan books out using the internet and then receive the book at their home address.

My Website:
On the website the “bones, joints and muscles” section interested me most. It provided me with a list of different categories such as “blood and heart”, “eyes and vision”, “bones and muscles”, “cancers”, “pregnancy” and a lot more. Once you have found topics that interest you, you click on the link which brings up a more specific list of things to do with your main topic. As I had click on the “bones, joints and muscles” section it then came up with a list of things such as leg, hip or foot. After choosing which topic was more relevant to my research it then provided me with a large list of even more details topics such as knee reconstruction, hip replacement, foot health etc. By clicking on your certain problem the page would display you with a bit of information on what it is, what part of the body it affects and the recovery time.
This site would be very helpful for people who would like to know a bit of basic information on a health problem. It offers information on recovery, clinical trials and latest news and updates on that topic. Every day people such as men and women, mums and dads, and even teenagers who have concern on interest in a certain health problem would find a brief overview on everything they should be aware of.
Although the website was last updates on the 28th February 2006 by the U.S national library of medicine, the information would still be relevant and the only common thing that would change is the form of treatment they use on certain health issues.
It’s a great site for anyone who would like to know more information or simply to find out what symptoms lead to certain health problems or diseases.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Office Applications

Week 2: Accessing and Organising Knowledge – Office Applications

During this session we were able to demonstrate our knowledge of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
In Microsoft Word we were shown how to us many of the common tools such as changing and adjusting the font size, form and colour, adjusting margins and the line spaces, creating headings and adding header and footers to the document pages. Alphabetizing references was another useful tip that was also shown to us.Microsoft Excel however allowed us to create a daily timetable of our lives, allowing us to see the total of hours spent on things such as eating, sleeping, tutorials, travel and exercise as well as see a average of how many hours we do a certain thing per week.

Week 1: Accessing and Organsing Knowledge – Introductory Workshop

During this session we introduced to the EUC Website where we logged onto “SIMO” and checked our enrolment details, tutorial notes and lectures that were posted.
Throughout the three hour session we were shown how to send and receive emails, use the ECU Blackboard and basically shown how to navigate around the ECU Website. One thing that I found important was the ECU Blackboad. This is a link which enables students to view all our units that we enrolled in showing us the tutorials for the full thirteen weeks, with added notes, our student emails and has access to the links for the ECU Library, ECU Home Page, added student information and much more.
Our tasks for the lesson were to set up our own web blog at , create a template for our blogg entries , set up a image storage account on, produce a screen capture and use Microsoft paint to edit the image and save it as a JPG.